Pentaho Data Integration(PDI)
Pentaho Data Integration(PDI) is the most powerful open source ETL tool available in market. It is one of the important tools available in Pentaho BI...
Slowly Changing Dimension SCD
In Data Warehouse, problem of slowly changing dimension is a common one. This applies to cases where the attribute for a record varies over time. Today...
SQL – Drop Table
SQL – Drop Table is DDL (Data definition language) statement.The Drop Table command is used to delete table from database. Drop Table Statement : Removes named table...
SQL – Alter Table
SQL – Alter Table is DDL (Data definition language) statement.The ALTER TABLE command is used to modify the definition (structure) of a table by modifying the...
SQL – Create Table
Create Table is a DDL (Data definition language) statement. The CREATE TABLE is used to create and define a new relational table. CREATE TABLE Statement :...
Types Of Fact
Till now, we have already discussed about types of dimension. So lets move to another concept in dimensional modelling, i.e, FACT . A fact is a...
Types of Dimension
Dimensional modelling has two basic concepts – fact and dimension. Dimensions store the textual descriptions of the business attribute. Without the dimensions, we cannot measure...
Dimensional Modeling
I have discussed about the Data Modeling in my previous article – What is Data Modeling ? . I know most of you will be...
Schema and Types of Schema in Data Warehouse
We know that Dimensional modeling is the design concept used by many data warehouse designers to build their data warehouse. Now we will discuss about...
What is Data Modeling ?
Most of us are aware about Database and Database Management System. But do you know how the data is organized in a database. What is...