Category: Data Warehouse

ETL – Extract, Transform and Load

ETL is the most important term when it comes to database and Data Warehousing. ETL stands for Extract, Transform and Load. ETL covers a process...

What is Data Mart ?

Data Mart is very similar to a Data Warehouse but limited in scope and purpose and is usually associated to one single domain. Often people get...

Types Of Databases

As we are in the age of computers, we deal with different kind of data in our day to day life. When we say about...

OLAP – Online Analytical Processing

Due to the increase in data volumes and the recognition of the business value of analytics, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) has become very popular . OLAP allows...

Why is Data Warehouse required ?

It is most likely that you would have heard about the concept of  “Data Warehouse” . But have you ever wondered what is the need...